- Proof #NotreDame won't join the #B1G Swarbrick says there's a consensus on a FB playoff, Delany says +1 is still open #
- Want more proof? How about this rumor for #NotreDame joining the #Big12 in Olympic sports http://t.co/utuDZ2sl #
- They've met though MT @chitribhamilton: More #NotreDame AD on Big 12 report: "It is not based on any discussion, any meeting we have done." #
- It's official! Or not. Or maybe. Okay 4 teams and a playoff. Check. Please no more. #BowlSanity http://t.co/Z7AF0RV1 #
- #Big12 has some smart kids. http://t.co/b1c2IojZ #
- Apparantly #NCAA enforcement is tougher than the Marines http://t.co/euNIRZk4 #
- What happens to the Coaches Poll? It becomes irrelevant like the AP Poll #feveredsportswriters http://t.co/lUg3ejxu #
- What? We have to wait longer? I want Alabaman Justice NOW #UpdykeTrialOfTheCentury http://t.co/pilYkXGz #
- What? We have to wait longer? I want Alabaman Justice NOW #UpdykeTrialOfTheCentury http://t.co/vt6jwMrz #
- #Big12 predictions are starting to roll. Start studying (and pontificating) http://t.co/9oYW3JWv #
- Congrats to the NBA team finals winner stuff thing. NOW ON TO COLLEGE FOOTBALL #
- Sounds like some #TexasTech peeps don't like to be on the #LHN It's a little late for that fellas http://t.co/fGDOcDrC #
- 69 more days……. RT @aarontroia: @KellyHitchcock @kccgd Aaaaaaaamen #BoiseState #
- #NeinasUnplugged was spiting playoff lyrics way before you got your learner's permits, kids http://t.co/EGiatmox #
- 1000 yd goal for Chris Harper. Not sure it's possible with #CollinKlein at QB, but they are teasing pass #EMAW #KSU http://t.co/Y2oExrY0 #
- #ESPN is the one pulling strings, not #Texas in this whole #TTU #TXST game on the #LHN catfight #TooManyAcronyms http://t.co/IAp54gne #
- Captain Obvious strikes again! Jerry Dome to bid on National Championship game? Duh http://t.co/Jof0jEVx #
- The Sam Bradford Training Table will serve up lucrative careers in mediocre professional football team quarterbacks http://t.co/XfM1OkBS #
- Okay, #UCLA this is getting ridiculous. Snoop Dogg's kid too? Are you guys plotting a reality TV show? http://t.co/zlKwTiUV #
- Congrats to Goodwin for jumping on the Olympic bandwagon http://t.co/SvQd7OGn #
- So Time Warner is trying to partner/buy the #LHN Is that why they are stonewalling it? http://t.co/LnuxBql5 #
- #Mizzou should put the extra people up on the rocks. Better yet, the sports media. They always have pains in their butt http://t.co/J7WOJSJU #
- It's no Golden Tate offense, but the arrested Rees and company do get cleared for some #NotreDame drills http://t.co/10cMZgPu #
- So, how soon until the Sports Media gets tired of the so called 4 team seeded playoff and push for 8 teams? #StartingNow #FeveredMinds #
- Ha the Citrus Bowl wants to be a contender for the national title game. How cute. http://t.co/3jGpfTys #
- This is how the #KState football team trains in the offseason. WATER WATER WATER WATER http://t.co/DsEJ7trb #
- You wanna know how relevant #NCPA is? Today is the first time I've heard of them http://t.co/WOTZfaT3 #
- The #Pac12 and the #B1G are just happy to have the precious #RoseBowl back http://t.co/D5OBus9i #
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