Bags and Tubes make for a decent Gameday

Hey it’s another post! I guess I am starting to get into the habit of this. It’s interesting trying to get a good format for the blog and more than likely it will change from post to post. I’m real close to getting into the flow of things around here. Pretty soon, there will be more and coming from me and everyone else. As always, give us some feedback and try not complain too loud that none of the local teams made it to TV last week.

So week two brought us to Paddy O’Quigley’s at the Crossroads district. I’ve been to the Paddy’s in Lee’s Summit as well as the one in Overland Park so I was up to see what other Irish debauchery plays out at this location. I popped in there right as the joint opened up for the day. Walking in, the place looks pretty cool. They copied the Cashew across the street by slapping some garage doors on the front and left them wide open to embrace the day. At first site, the bar seemed pretty cool. But after this afternoon, I can say it still could use some work.

The games lined for the day included Nebraska vs. Wake Forest and Oklahoma vs. Miami (FL). The local teams weren’t on because they were pretty much playing some cupcakes. I assume that most of the workers there were just waking up as about half of the TVs had the Nebraska game and half of the TVs had Oklahoma. That’s swanky and all, but Marshall was upsetting West Virginia as well as other games on at the time. Somebody should tell them that if you can get multiple games, you should play them on different TVs.

I could go on and nitpick about the place but after talking to the KU bartender manager type guy, the place is still 2 months fresh. So, in the interest of helping a sports bar take root, here’s just a few suggestions:

  1. JalapeƱo Poppers need to actually be spicey and the chips on the nachos shouldn’t turn soggy after about a minute.
  2. Take care to fix any audio problems before people show up. There was a Jumanji like booming sound coming from one of the TVs that brought me to the brink of hypnosis. I could’ve been someone’s slave! On second thought, re-evaluate the whole audio setup. Pretty please?
  3. There were some decent looking waitresses but you really need to upgrade on big game Saturdays. That’s all I’m gonna say so don’t start calling me the Purple Pig. That’s in Manhattan.

Now there were a couple of cool things there. First off, they had one of the neatest ideas I’ve seen in a long time. Tired of waiting on the bartender to refill your beer after you raced through it? Is the pitcher just not enough for your party of five to quench their thirst (okay admit it, it’s maybe a party of two)? Well Beer Tubes is there to save the day! I must say, one of those babies on my TV tray for Sunday Night Football would take me one step closer to Nirvana.

Paddy’s also had a pretty good selection of games to choose from. Among the entertainment there, they had a pool table, darts, Deer Hunter, Golden Tee, Silverstrike Bowling, the Multi-Touch game station, and Bags. Bags? BAGS! That’s right, the tailgating favorite has now found a home in a corny bar game. Okay, I can understand maybe washers making its way into a bar game format, but this seems like it can be saved for day care or bars themed at mentally challanged people. Being as it’s from the guys who brought us Golden Tee and Bowling they get a pass this time. If I see Tic Tac Toe next form these guys, I’m rocking a face.


The games for the day ended up being light for many reasons. The Nebraska game was the best of the day as it seems that most everybody forgot Wake Forest won the ACC last year. They just barely eeked by the upset seeker 20-17. Next week the have USC and kudos to the Huskers for having the sack to take on tough non conference opponents. Oklahoma blew away the Miami Hurricanes. Stoops and company look real tough and I fear anybody that gets in their way. The massive chip on their shoulder from last year is blocking my sun.

We really didn’t stick around for any other games because the local boys had none on TV. Quick recap: they all won. We rolled out of there a little disappointed, but for me I’m chalking the experience up to the place being new. The nacho taste in my mouth stuck around until the face cake I had later on that night from the mustache bash. Don’t ask.

-Purple Yeti