Tag Archives: Marcell Dareus

Crib Sheet: So Much To Chew On

There’s just so much to chew on from the first week of college football, we’ll just make the intro real quick.  On to the Crib Sheet:

  • Freshly on its own, BYU signed a deal with ESPN and Notre Dame to be shown exclusively and play, respectively.  They are stepping out fresh in their independence but we don’t think they’ll get as strong as their Irish counterparts.
  • The Big 10 now has divisions, so we’ll see how balanced they are in the next couple of years.  The big news is breaking up Michigan and Ohio State.  Since they will be the ‘yearly rival’, there’s a big chance that they could play each other again in the Big 10 Championship Game.
  • Even though, Derrick Washington was booted from the team, the Missouri Tigers beat up on Illinois last Saturday.  It took some time for them to find their rhythm but once they did, they looked sharp.  Apparently athletic director Mike Alden said that protecting the school was the number one priority when it came between Washington and the allegations.  Way to go 810 AM and Kevin Kietzman, you seem to get everyone to talk.
  • The face behind the mask of the mascot for Penn State, notched an MIP for underage drinking.  Clint Gyory got busted and now he’s suspended from his mascot duties.  It just goes to show that football players aren’t the other ones who have to watch what they do in their free time.
  • In what’s become the major theme to begin the season, another player will miss games for accepting sports agent gifts.  This time it’s Alabama’s Marcell Dareus.  They should suspend him for key games.  Doing this at the beginning of the year means they miss the cakewalk part of the schedule.
  • At the very last second, Jeremiah Masoli’s appeal was approved and he was cleared to play for Ole Miss.  It didn’t help them however, as  Division II school Jacksonville St. ended up beating Ole Miss in 2 overtimes.  I caught the end of the game and no doubt it’s on the top so far for game of the year.
  • Boise State assistant Keith Abu Bhonapha got a DUI.  He should be off the team.
  • North Carolina was one play away from possibly winning the game against LSU last Saturday.  What’s more than amazing is that they did it with a ton of suspended players.  About half of the starters didn’t play due to NCAA investigations.  We’re not sure if it shows how tough the Tar Heels could be or how weak LSU looks.
  • TCU coach Gary Patterson gave credit to ESPN’s Lee Corso for inspiring the Horned Frogs to a come from behind win against Oregon State last Saturday.  Patterson used the right amount of moto-mojo to get his team over the tough Beavers.
  • Looks like Nebraska’s schedule in the Big 10 will start out tough.  There’s no surprise there.  The new boys in town will get beat up for a couple of years to show that current members are strong.
  • After the embarrassing loss to North Dakota State, Kansas athletic director Lew Perkins retired Tuesday.  He was going to retire next year, but the school (and the boosters) decided to cough up the money to get him out of there sooner.  We don’t know who the replacement AD, not interim, will be and now we don’t know who the starting quarterback will be.  Man basketball season can’t come any faster for the Jayhawks.
  • Apparently Reggie Bush may be stripped of his Heisman.  I guess that’s what happens when it’s discovered that you might have been ineligible during your run in college.  He would be the first.  How many other Heisman winners may have been ineligible?  Should we investigate everyone and find out?
  • In MASSIVE conference expansion news, Cal Poly and UC Davis will be joining the Big Sky Conference.  At first we thought it was just a conference of country bars, but with this new development we see the Big Sky in a different light.
  • ESPN kicked off ESPN3D last year during the BCS Championship Game and now they have an updated schedule that started with the Boise State and Virginia Tech game.  So far so good, according to the review.  We’re anxious to get our eyes on it when it becomes mainstream about 20 years from now.
  • Speaking of the Broncos, they jumped to #3 in both polls.  Looks like if they can keep up the blowouts, they will be a contender.  Meanwhile, David Ubben runs down the votes for the Big 12 teams.  It’s pretty much the big 3 in the top 25 (Texas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma) then about 5 teams about a stone’s throw from the 25 threshold.  If they can keep it up, we may see more Big 12 teams up there.

BCS Title Thoughts and Year End Review

Okay, freshly back from a wedding in California (not MY wedding), I’m now ready to actually talk about the BCS title game and the year that was college football.  We’re going to talk about the game that could’ve been, the season that was bookended by injuries, and some other interesting notes that popped up over the season.  So, while this is a little late, sit back and enjoy us on your little trip through college football memory lane.  Please keep your arms and head inside the windows.

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