GameDay: Follow Us on Twitter


We’re getting all cleaned up and strapped up here at KCCGD headquarters and we’d figure we’d drop a quick game day note.  As you may have noticed, we are upgrading things around here, one of them being our Twitter integration.  If you aren’t familiar with Twitter, it’s basically a mini broadcasting site that lets you say random, tiny things to people who want to hear it.  With that in mind, we are blasting game day tweets all day and invite you to follow us while we marvel at Saturday’s special event: college football.  Here’s our Twitter account:

We’re almost ready to kick things off and if you can’t be there in real life, at least you can be there in real time.  Oh, and if you are an SEO specialist who promises to make me millions, please jump off a cliff.   We take special enjoyment out of blocking your types.