Tag Archives: Bobby Bowden National Collegiate Coach of the Year

Crib Sheet: College Town World Tour

So I’m just now getting back into the swing of things now that I’m back from the SXSW conference.  The yearly Music/Film/Interactive conference can take a toll on your body and even though I got back Monday, I’m still feeling the effect.  The drive there uses I-35 and actually hits up a couple of college towns.  Big 12 wise, we sped through Oklahoma’s home in Norman and landed in Austin, the home of the Texas Longhorns.  Which one is better?  It’s not fair, really.  The conference was in Austin and I only drove through Oklahoma.  Now here’s this week’s Crib Sheet:

  • Speaking of Texas, apparently they are hitting the eiquette skills as well as the plyometric skills down in Austin.  If you are going to be a football dignitary, the I guess you would need to know how to flaunt elitist like chops.  Do they really need to know how to hold a fork right when tearing into some ribs from the Salt Lick, however?
  • Much ballyhooed recruit Bryce Brown has left the Tennessee program, due to either personal issues or the fact that Lane Kiffin left.  So let the rumor mills begin again!  First one out of the gate:  Bryce’s brother left Miami and is heading the K-State.  So that means there may be a chance Bryce will come play for Bill Snyder 2.0 and the Wildcats.  I hope the second round of hype around Bryce is faster.
  • Weakened and ill coach Urban Meyer returned to the Florida Gators and practice last week.  If you remember he quit the team due to health reasons but then came back when he realized that he could get better.  Or at least put on some poundage.  This year will be a nice off year for Meyer so he can reload next year, both on football and his health.
  • Just like when baseball’s Chicago Cubs shocked everyone and had its first ever night game a decade or two ago, now the Big House in Michigan will be doing the same.  What better way to do so than against the Notre Dame Fighthing Irish?  This should be a close game, with a new coach on one side and another almost on the hot seat.
  • Nick Saban is your first ever Bobby Bowden national collegiate coach of the year.  The Over the Mountain Touchdown Club is in Bowden’s home town of Birmingham, Alabama.  Not much surprise here.  The coach that wins the national title for the school in the home state of the award title’s name.  Zlam Dunk.
  • Expansion or not, the Pac 10 may be looking into instituting a conference title game.  Commissioner Larry Scott mentioned that when going over all expansion possibilities with CBS Sports.  There’s an NCAA rule that states you need to have 12 teams to have a conference title game.  So if they do want to do it without expansion, then they need to change that rule.