This year has been reunion tour at home and new bars plus stadiums on the road. So to continue that tradition, this week’s barspot will be at Lew’s Grill and Bar in the Waldo district. I haven’t built up the courage to double pop collars at The Well yet, so I’m heading back to a comfy place that’s just right with sports watching. Since the last time we’ve been there, they’ve introduced Das Boot. Yes, the boot featured in the number one hit smash comedy Beerfest. So look for a pairing with that bad boy. There’s also some great game pairings on tap as well. Get ready to chug the football.
Continue reading Barspotting: Settling In At Lew’s Grill and Bar →
Hey Hey, My My, College football will never die. And neither will KC College GameDay. We’re back again for another year for fantastic football watchin’ and we kicked off the Labor Day weekend full of football at Tanner’s Bar & Grill in the the Waldo district. There are many a Tanner’s in the KC area (as well as some out of area locations) and they have always been known to be a top notch sporting experience. This location, proved to be right there, even though some trip ups in service and specials hurt it a bit. We also get to go over a new game for you arcadians out there. But there’s much, much more.
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College Sports, Kansas City style