We laid the foundation with our last 3 post for the Big 10 expansion. Now let’s talk about how other conferences are reacting. Some of them could be massively depleted whereas others are moving to counteract the possible Big 10 growth. Every major BCS conference has about two cents to toss in and little brother mid major conferences are chirping in as well. It’s time for the conferences to lay down their tiles and see just how much they could change.
Continue reading Magnifying the Expansion Part 4: Now I’m Yelling Dominoes →

It was bound to happen. The discussion blew up late last December and now we have legitimate motions telling us that the Big 10, and college football, is about to run into some big changes. Ever vigilant, we here at the KCCGD Headquarters decided to toss our hat into the speculation ring and offer up our analysis as to just what the hell is going on. It’s plenty to chew on so we will be breaking up into bite size chunks of creamy goodness. At just the right time too, the Big 10’s athletic directors and coaches are meeting this week and the Big 12’s crew will do the same next week. Why does the Big 12 matter? The conference is among some of the institutions affected by this move. Strap it on, because we are about to ride the hottest off-season college football activity we haven’t seen in a long time.
Continue reading Magnifying the Expansion Part 1: KCCGD’s Series On The Big 10 Expansion Plan →
College Sports, Kansas City style