Tag Archives: Superman

Mascot Monday: Otto The Orange

This week’s mascot trip takes us up to the snow blizzard Big East and a school traditional known as a basketball powerhouse.  For Syracuse Orangemen, they keep their spirits warm with Otto the Orange.  The bouncy ball fellow seems more home in Florida, but the students and faculty adopted this fellow after a bit of controversy.  Today, Otto works the sidelines of the games in using his juicy disposition.  The help us grab the peelers as we begin pull the rind off Otto and see what makes him tick.

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Pick It Standings Week 4: Discussions of Concussions


The world stood still and then moon and sun stopped spinning for just one moment as Tim Tebow was kneed in the head and carted off the field, vomiting into a pink bag.  Ever so slowly the planets began motion and we call took a breath as we watched the ambulance pull Superman away into the unknown.  The ticker told us what happened.  We were update hourly on his condition.  When it was all said and done, Florida quarterback Tim Tebow had a concussion.  Fortunately for our picks, it wasn’t as dramatic.

Continue reading Pick It Standings Week 4: Discussions of Concussions