Category Archives: Baylor

Big 12 Preview 2009


Most folks outside of the midwest believe that the Big 12 Conference is 2nd nationally amongst conferences in terms of football strength.  Much of the talk points toward the Big 12 South.  As we roll into the 2009 season, we find some teams reloaded, some teams are out of ammo, and the rest either misfired or are shooting blanks.  We’re gonna see where they all stack up and how they will finish in 2009, according the Purple Yeti’s crystal ball.  There are some shifts in power, but the top stack will stay the same and most of the close calls will still be close.  Hopefully the crystal ball pulls through.

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Mascot Monday: Judge and Bruiser

Bruiser's Coming

This week’s Mascot Monday takes us to the deep south of the Big 12 and the Baylor Bears.  We’ll go over what keeps the weakest team in the South going spirit wise while taking a peek back at the history of the mascots.  It’s not B.J. and the Bear or Hardcastle and McCormick, but Judge and Bruiser!  Not really as seen on TV but close enough. Just don’t sit too close to the screen or you’ll ruin your eyes.

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