Whew! Another close one for the Big 12. I swear, the Big 12 is the greatest thing since MTV’s The Real World. If you want to talk about the best conferences, then the one with the best drama factor definitely is the Big 12. Yeah, they are staying together but we really don’t know for how long. So while they hold hands again and tell everybody that things are cool, let’s focus on some actual football. This week’s Pick It an Stick It kind of reflects the noise off the field. Like the Big 12, most of the great games are stuck together around 2:30 Saturday. That’s fine for me and my barspotting trip, but how will it fare for the picks? Continue reading Pick It And Stick It 2011 Week 04: Sticking Together
Tag Archives: W. Michigan
Pick It and Stick It: Flick Me A Winner

Here we go with another year of Pick It and Stick It! This time I decided to go easy on people and not do confidence points throughout the year. It was just too much beef to handle week in and week out. So I cut that fat off and leaned it down to a tasty point spread straight up pick league. You can drop two weeks so if want to join up please do so at:
- Link: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/college/
- Group: 1943
- Password: gates
If you got any questions, please feel free to hit me up. Now let’s take a look at the first week’s pics: