Yup it’s time I wing them again. I don’t like making things ultra official and professional (note the website) and I will follow that same lack of format for another Pick It and Stick It Special. It’s Dart Board Predictions time! I don’t keep track so if you want to hit me up on the Twitterz (twitter.com/kccgd) or email ([email protected]) and let me know just how smart or dumb I am. So with that out of the way, let’s sharpen up the darts and start tossing. Get out of the way.
- I for some reason kept picking Joe Paterno and Bobby Bowden to kick the bucket on the field. I was wrong on both shots (but there’s a chance with Bobby still). This year I will predict that NO ONE will die on the field. Practice field doesn’t count. I know about the sickle cell.
- After capping off the offseason with a newly announced college football playoffs, college presidents will realize the folly of their way and go back the BCS system. The robots will be replaced by committee members.
- Brent Musburger starts to fade as he delves into dementia not unlike Keith Jackson 10 years ago. The only difference, he will still shill and sound super excited.
- Hey I picked a Big 12 Champion, so who will that champion play? Pretty easy, it’s BCS bowl bound for Oklahoma against Virginia Tech because Frank Beamer.
- So that means that the Hokies will win the ACC again and I’m not sure anyone will really care.
- With the WAC shutting down, you’ll see other lower tier conferences going away. I’m looking at you Sun Belt.
- Charlie Weiss will get so frustrated at Kansas, that his front butt will lash out and strike a player. Unlike his almost twin in old head coach Mark Mangino, no one will seem to care about it. Poor blowhard Weiss.
- The Big East will be renamed to The Big after they finish this year announcing new members Hawaii and Japan.
- Texas A&M and Missouri do okay in the SEC this year. After they get done cleaning up the table when the big boys are done.
- Mike Leech trades his sword in for a bow and arrow and starts pegging apples at Washington State. This somehow inspires Wazzu to double their wins to 2.
- USC will walk into the Pac 12 as the favorite and will more than likely walk out the winner. Oregon lost so much except those tasty uniforms.
- But Matt Barkley will not win the Heisman Trophy. The consolation? The next contestant on The Bachelor.
- Who will win the Heisman? It’s a quarterback sport anymore so I think it will be someone from the that position. I see Geno Smith nailing with Collin Klein coming in second. Such a homer pick.
- Speaking of Kansas State, Bill Snyder will live through the year and see a bowl win finally. Maybe in the Beef O’Bradys Bowl.
- Craig James will spew out some nonsense and get accepted to the Green Party’s ticket for president alongside Rosanne Barr.
- I really do think this may be Michigan’s year for a Big 10 title. Unfortunately as soon as they step on that stage, they will instantly be overhyped and lose out in the Rose Bowl.
- About 100 more players will be suspended due to mysterious ‘team rules’ epidemic going around.
- I will not win Pick It and Stick It again this year. I’m hedging my bet right now and will be saying ‘Called It!’ in December.
- USC will face LSU and win in the BCS National Championship Game. Only because USC did me so well in EA Sports NCAA College Football and LSU just doesn’t have it, much to the chagrin of everything SEC.
- Finally, super predictor Phil Steele will rip off most of my predictions from this column and discredit everything else he did in 2012.

Here we go with another week of the Crib Sheet. Signing Day is gone so we are looking toward spring practice as the next big event. Spring practice. In spring. We got a long way to go to get there. So the news will trickle out until then. Never fear, however, we’ll dig up any dirt with our ninja shovel and flick the dust specs of college football news in your face. Bring some goggles, here’s this week’s Crib Sheet:
- You know how they call Kansas State’s stadium the Bill Snyder Family Stadium? Ever wonder why? Welp, signing day gave us another reason why when Bill Snyder 2.0’s grandson Tate Snyder accepted a scholarship offer from the Wildcats. Tate’s dad, Sean, was a punter for Bill Snyder early in his first run and is now an associate in the athletic department. The little apple does not fall far from this tree.
- So signing day is over but we have many more to come. The 2015 class, for example has its first commitment in the form of 13 year old quarterback David Sills as he verbally committed to USC last week. Huh? That’s a little young. His personal coach worked with current USC field general Matt Barkley. How much are this kid’s parents paying this guy? Seems like alot of hype for such a young’un.
- The Texas college stars beat the national squad of stars last Saturday to prove once again that best college football players come from Texas. For this game. Yeah it’s the Big 12 area, but why did the SEC win the national title again? Welp, maybe just the scrubs play this game. They gotta show off in front of NFL scouts somewhere.
- The Super Bowl commercial featuring Tim Tebow was rather lame. Now finally our long national political nightmare is over. This guy will carry hype wherever he goes.
- Darrell Scott has come crawling back to the Colorado program. Okay well, maybe not crawling. If he sits out this year, Hawkins might be fired by then and he could compete for the job with a new coach. We guess UCLA wasn’t all that it’s hyped up to be.
- It looks like the students at Missouri are looking for a live Tiger mascot. We’d like to think our profile of Truman spurned this movement, but it’s probably more of matching the live mascots that already dot the Big 12 plain. Yeah, we’re talking Bevo, Ralphie, Boomer, Sooner, and the rest of the gang. Hopefully, they will pull this one off. Those live mascots are treated like kings.

It’s starting to feel spooky here around the KCCGD headquarters as we are getting geared up for college football AND Halloween Saturday. There are already some scary and shocking things going on. Just talk to Virginia Tech about the game last night. Talk about a nightmare. North Carolina pulls out the last second upset. We wouldn’t be surprised if some other strange, supernatural things happens to some other teams come Saturday. Remember, if they ask for trick or treat, say treat. No trick plays will turn out good. Here’s the the picks:
Continue reading Pick It and Stick It: Nose Goblins are the Worst →

We can take a couple of more days to draw up a preview of each conference and then roll the dice on how the bowls will shore up but that would take way too much time and reach far out of our happy little niche. So what we are going to do instead is spit up some predictions for what’s going to happen this year in college football. We may talk about your favorite conference, we may not. Chances are we’ll predict the title winner, but we may over look the Outland Trophy Award winner. Who knows? We’re loading up our straws (or empty pens) and seeing what sticks to the wall for 2009.
Continue reading Spit Ball Predictions for 2009 →
College Sports, Kansas City style