Alrighty welp I’m back for another week of actual Barspotting. Kansas City was nice and all but I’ve been to all the good bars up there and now I’m ready to hit (or find) the good bars down here in Austin. This week I’m going to try to get to Third Base. Hopefully, I can play my cards right and get there to brag about it all to you on Monday morning. From the looks of things it’s a hot spot to be at so I know it’ll be crowded with others when I get there. Come on and join me!
Tag Archives: The Holy War
Pick It and Stick It: Flick Me A Winner

Here we go with another year of Pick It and Stick It! This time I decided to go easy on people and not do confidence points throughout the year. It was just too much beef to handle week in and week out. So I cut that fat off and leaned it down to a tasty point spread straight up pick league. You can drop two weeks so if want to join up please do so at:
- Link:
- Group: 1943
- Password: gates
If you got any questions, please feel free to hit me up. Now let’s take a look at the first week’s pics:
Homespotting: My Home and Yours for Turkey Day Weekend
You know, when I started this blog, it was all about going out. My main reason was to watch college football at its maximum potential. I couldn’t afford a rig so a bar was the next best thing. I’ve watched some football before at home but this time I’m going all out. The games are spread out perfectly, not unlike a Thanksgiving dinner, this weekend so I figured what better way to graze on the games while I graze on leftovers by staying home and watching it from KCCGD Headquarters. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there and I hope you have as much fun watching the great action as I do.
Continue reading Homespotting: My Home and Yours for Turkey Day Weekend