Tag Archives: Oklahoma

Pick It and Stick It Final Standings 2010

It was an anti-climatic weekend and an anti-climatic end to this year’s Pick It and Stick It.  We had some small pickings for the last week and that helped solidify the victory for Huskers All the Way.  Even though the football team lost the Big 12 title to Oklahoma, Huskers All the Way held onto the lead and rode out the clock.  With the last weekend of football we’ll also have your final BCS Standings for the year.  No surprises there but we’ll get to the after we check out the final Pick It and Stick It standings.

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Lew’s Helped Me Give Das Boot to Nebraska

Championship Saturday came and went and for the brief time I was there, it was worth it.  My day started out at Lew’s Grill and Bar and ended back up there.   In between was some craziness with a company holiday party complete with a lame cover band as well as a great finish to the Big 12 Championship Game.  All in all, the day was widespread and fantastic, even though college football barspotting was very short.

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Pick It and Stick It Week 14: Championship Pickers

It’s a light week as most of the teams are done and the rest of the action is either rivalry or conference championship.  That’s okay for the Pick It and Stick It as the last week will give us some great match ups to pick.  Now with the last week of Pick It and Stick It, we are now getting into Bowl Season.  With that in mind, we have a Bowl Pick It and Stick It set up at Yahoo again this year.  We’ll give you the deets after we go over the tasty picks for this weekend.

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Barspotting: Championship Saturday At Lew’s Grill & Bar

Every year we go back to the best bar of the year and this time around it’s Lew’s Grill & Bar.  It’s a solid performer that doesn’t let us down in terms of big game watching.   Sure it’s small for its size, but it packs a punch in terms of factors for a great place to watch sports.  So we’ll try one last time to get Das Boot and watch the SEC Championship Game as well as the Civil War.   What, no Big 12 Championship Game?  Welp, I will be at a company holiday party while it’s going on and for this weekend, an open bar trumps a title game with Nebraska in it.

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Crib Sheet: It’s Almost Over

It’s the last real week of college football for about a month so let’s get down to Crib Sheet business.  Bowls are coming, invitations are going out, and we have a good chuck on news for you to nibble on.  Let’s check it out:

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Pick It Standings Week 14: Getting Back On The Treadmill Track

We’re coming into the last week of the Pick It and Stick It and we have some movement in the standings.  We also have some major movement in the BCS Standings.  Any kind of movement is great after the weekend that was in Thanksgiving Day turkey massacres. So I’m heading back to the gym and getting ready for conference championship weekend.  I also have a play at the Pick It and Stick It Championship so there will be some mental squats done to build up my Pick It muscle.  Let’s take a look at the long weekend that was first.

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Homespotting is Where the Heart is

It’s been a long, food filled holiday weekend and of all the times I’ve been out and about the last three years, I can say that being home for four days was the perfect change of pace.  There’s plenty of bars out there for me to frequent, both old and new, but for this week’s barspot I wanted to do something different.  Maybe it was celebrating being in a new home or maybe I was just too tired to try to marathon 3 straight days of football at a bar, but it was hight time to spent some home time.  So this week, I’ll review my time at home and gives ome pointers on how to do it right.

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Pick It And Stick It: Better Late Than Never

Okay, so it’s a little late, but I was enthralled with the bevy of college football that was on a Friday.  So I apologize for being late, but it’s better than never.   I know everyone out there was sitting there wondering just what the latest pick set was available in between the football and more football today.  Welp, we had some picks for today come and go but we also have some ready to  rock for tomorrow.  If you got the time like I do on this long Thanksgiving Day Weekend, then check out the picks and see how you’ve fared.

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Homespotting: My Home and Yours for Turkey Day Weekend

You know, when I started this blog, it was all about going out.  My main reason was to watch college football at its maximum potential.  I couldn’t afford a rig so a bar was the next best thing.  I’ve watched some football before at home but this time I’m going all out.  The games are spread out perfectly, not unlike a Thanksgiving dinner, this weekend so I figured what better way to graze on the games while I graze on leftovers by staying home and watching it from KCCGD Headquarters.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there and I hope you have as much fun watching the great action as I do.

Continue reading Homespotting: My Home and Yours for Turkey Day Weekend

Pick It Standings Week 12: All Turned Upside Down

You know, right when I called the division races for the Big 12, last week had to happen.  I called Oklahoma State in the South and Nebraska in the North.  Now, Oklahoma State needs to beat Oklahoam to win the South and Nebraska needs to win and not have Missouri win to get the North.  Okay, time for me to east some corw.  I can’ t be right all the time.  Fortunatley for the Pick It and Stick It, I’m right most of the time.  The only problem this week was everyone else was mostly right.  Oh well, here are the results.

Continue reading Pick It Standings Week 12: All Turned Upside Down

JJ’s Other Place Was Decent The Second Try Around

Alrighty, the second try to watch some football at my favorite local neighborhood hole in the wall, JJ’s Other Place.  I’ve been there plenty at night and now I’ve been there during the day.  I’ll stick with being there at  night.  I forgot a couple of important items as well as the fact there wasn’t that much to watch that day.  It was a pretty good time nonetheless.   There were some upset a brewing as well as some traditional nachos brewing in my stomach.  Continue reading JJ’s Other Place Was Decent The Second Try Around

Pick It Standings Week 10: The Downhill Turn

We’re getting into the downhill stretch for the season and it’s time for the frontrunners to clear out the pack.  We’ve got it in the BCS but not so much in the Pick It and Stick It.  The weekend’s events made it clear that if two teams win out, it’s all theirs, with others waiting in the wings.  On the pick side of thing, I still don’t know what the hell is going on with the scoring system.  It’s almost like the BCS.  Let’s take a look at both.

Continue reading Pick It Standings Week 10: The Downhill Turn

Crib Sheet: McRib the Vote

In the wake of one of the most massive events in history ever yesterday, not the election but the reintroduction to the McRib, I have yielded time to this week’s Crib Sheet introduction.  Ronald McDonald Bless America:

Pick It and Stick It: It Hardens When It Gets Cold

Chilly times are ahead folks and its time to wrap yourself up into some nice and tasty picks.  This week sees some hot action on the cold, cold fields of Lincoln, Nebraska.  Will Missouri continue to roll or be tripped up by the scrappy Cornhuskers?  No matter, we’ll be staying warm the best way we know.  Hot chocolate helps.  So does coffee or fried mac n’ cheese wedges.  I’ll probably have all this Saturday.  Grab your favorite warm-upper and check out the picks for the week.  Remember, he colder and longer the season goes, the harder the picks get.

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Crib Sheet: Nice With Pumpkin Spice

Halloween is Sunday and we are cooking up various items around the place with pumpkin in them.  The roasted pumpkin seeds with cinamon and nutmeg were awesome but so where the pumpkin muffins.  Grab your favorite pumpkin related food and check out this week’s Crib Sheet:

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