Oh yeah lot’s of squawking and a talking this week. Media Days are here and the Big 12’s focus this year is the Longhorns Network, not the impending doom of the conference. Although some would say that the network is the started of a long doom for the conference. This week’s Crib Sheet delves into that as well as the usual news items that comes across my desk. So let’s dig in:
Tag Archives: Colorado
Crib Sheet: The Football Drought is Almost Over
I know, I know, the summer heat based themes keep on coming. I’m still getting acclimated to the high climate down here and it’s all that’s on my brain. Some would say I’m in a drought for college football. Relief is right around the corner but as of now I’m super parched. Grab a glass a water for me and check out this week’s Crib Sheet:
Continue reading Crib Sheet: The Football Drought is Almost Over
Crib Sheet: Crispy Tan
No fireworks last weekend but lots of fun and sun by the cool. So yeah, I’m feeling like a KFC extra crispy. It’s not enough to stop me from bringing this week’s Crib Sheet:
Crib Sheet: Deep in the Heat of Texas
Welp I’m finally settled down here as the KCCGD Express is powered down and unpacked. You know, people were saying that the heat is bad down here but I don’t mind it so much. It’s not July yet, but mid 90s in late April/early May is a new thing for me. And I love it. People were meant to wear less clothes. Now on to this week’s Crib Sheet:
Crib Sheet: The Road to Austin Bekons
It’s a tasty Crib Sheet this week as I’m packed up and ready to head to Austin for SXSW. I might stop by Daryl K Royal Stadium and give homage to the team that Kansas State has owned the last couple of years. That is if I can make it there between the haze of tech and music. The next Crib Sheet might be heavily abbrieviated. Just sayin. Here’s this week’s Crib Sheet:
Crib Sheet: Silent Night, Bowly Night
Happy Holidays from everyone here at KC College GameDay! We’ll be taking a break over the holiday weekend and soak in some presents and bowls. I hope you all have a great time and we’ll see you next Tuesday for an update to the Bowl Pick It and Stick It. In the meantime, here’s this week’s Crib Sheet:
- So Colorado will end up playing California next year. You’re saying, “Duh, it’s a home and home!” Yes, but next year will be different as Colorado will be in the Pac 12 conference starting next year. What does that mean? It means that they are considering calling that game a non-conference game. Weird, right?
- Oklahoma State offensive coordinator Dana Holgorsen will be the new West Virginia offensive coordinator and the head coach the following year. I guess the coach in waiting thing has been sped up. I also wonder what this does for coaches who are at the top and don’t want to step down.
- So Mark Cuban is thinking of funding a college football playoff system. Wow. Just wow. He failed at buying two baseball teams and he’s itching to spend his money in some other sports arena. Cuban’s plan involves hitting up college athletic directors and presidents to drum up support. He needs to talk to the bowl people. Better yet, he needs to keep funneling money in his non-championship winning NBA franchise. BCS president Bill Hancock bitch-slapped him away, btw.
- The Big 12 Championship Game was the 4th highest rated football game for the season. The ones above had BCS title implications. Just goes to show you that the Big 12 brand can still run strong.
- The New York Times has a nice story about Rowan University football player Matt Hoffman. Hoffman gave up a game to donate some stem cells and saved a guy’s life. Good job, everyone should think about donating something at some point.
- ESPN has an article up about weak tickets sales for some bowls this year. Who’s not on the list? The Missouri Tigers. Good job by the fans for knocking out some tickets sales and showing up.
- Kansas was so close to getting a new athletic director from Tulsa, but Bubba Cunningham turned them down. Strange huh? I’m thinking Tulsa came up with the dough and Kansas didn’t look as posh as Cunningham though. This looks pretty bad for the Jayhawks.
- Big Ten Commissioner Jim Dlenay said that they may rethink the division names for the conference. Why? ‘Legends’ and ‘Leader’s is hilarious. Please keep it, Jim, so I can go back to it when I need a good chuckle.
- Another day, another Nebraska Cornhusker gets a DUI. This time it’s safety Ricky Thenarse. Looks like he won’t be going to the Holiday Bowl.
- Turner Gill landed a pretty great quarterback recruit from the hands of Colorado due to their coaching change. Apparently, Brock Berglund is a dual threat type guy. Let the slow rebuild begin.
- While the Cornhuskers are going through a rough patch of arrests, the fans are having a hard time getting up for the bowl game. Nebraska is actually offering free pairs of basketball tickets for people who buy bowl ticket games. I’m not sure they’ll make their allotment. Awesome.
- Oregon’s head coach Chip Kelly is your AP Head Coach of the Year. When you go undefeated, it makes winning this award easy.
- ESPN’s David Ubben reminds us that the Big 12 had the most consensus All-Americans of all of the conferences. They may be losing teams, but they still have the talent.
Crib Sheet: Going Bowlzerk
Another regular season over and another bowl season is set. I like the matchups for the Big 12 this year. Yes, no two teams are in BCS bowls but there is a chunky 8 teams going bowling. I don’t want to hear the yipping from Missouri fans this year as their game against Iowa is way bigger than the game Nebraska has against Washington. Kansas State’s in the first ever Pinstripe Bowl against Syracuse. That should be a fun one too. We have the Army vs Navy game and then the week after is all bowls. Right now, it’s the Crib Sheet:
- Oklahoma State wide receiver Justin Blackmon is your Big 12 Offensive Player of the Year and Oklahoma defensive end Jeremy Beal is you Big 12 Defensive Player of the Year. I knew about Blackmon’s dominance but wasn’t so sure about Beal’s. Congrats to both.
- I was ignoring it but, but now I can’t help but comment on the Miami coaching situation. Randy Shannon was canned and a couple of candidates have cropped up. That’s not exciting. What IS exciting is that Donald Trump wrote a letter to Miami to hire Mike Leach. The U might just become pirates.
- Beano Cook is the 2011 recipient of the 38th Bert McGrane Award, which I guess goes to football sports writers each year. I listen to him on the ESPN College Football Podcast each week and has quickly become one of my favorite sports media personalities. Congrats to him too.
- Cam Newton is cleared of any allegations by the NCAA. Looks like his dad can’t hang around the program now, though. It looks like the sabotage job by Mississippi State didn’t work too well. I’m now pegging Auburn as the favorite to win the BCS title game.
- I didn’t pay attention to the RichRod situation at Michigan until now. He’s crying again and this time it’s about how happy he is being the head coach for the Wolverines. I ignored the talk before because I thought he was pretty much safe, but this latest crying makes me wonder if he’s in trouble. He may be.
- It’s one thing when an undefeated non-AQ conference team doesn’t make a BCS Bowl, but it’s another when a 6-6 AQ conference team like Arizona State gets denied a bowl appearance. I thought the slots were so abundant this year that there might have been a 5-7 team in a bowl? Oh well, it looks like they needed one more game.
- The site for a new College Football Hall of Fame will be by Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia. It will open around March of 2013. Make plans now!
- Just in case you were wondering, the expansion search committee for the Big 10 that they will not actively engage in expansion for awhile. Yeah, right.
- The Cincinnati Bearcat was citied for starting a snowball fight during the Pitt game last Saturday. It’s a good thing they had a backup mascot ready for the rest of the game.
- The Bowls are set! Here’s the Big 12 version. I wonder how many Missouri Tigers fans will complain. Oh I know Nebraska fans will, but they are gone after this game so their voice is a little quieter.
- Coaching changes are starting to fire up now that the regular season is over. First off, outgoing Colorado hired from Washington Redskins assistant coach and alumni Jon Embree. On the flip side, long time Texas offensive coordinator Greg Davis resigned due to the poor performance on the field that saw the Longhorns miss a bowl for the first time in forever.
- Rob Long of Syracuse has a benign brain tumor and will undergo surgery. He will not play the Pinstripe Bowl. As being someone who’s had someone close go through the same thing, all I can say is that my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.
- I was wondering when this would happen: two men stole the mascot head of Lee Corso. It’s now back and the dudes are in trouble.
GameDay: KCGGD’s Best Weekend Evar
Okay, so no, I’m not talking about VH1 and guests like Chris Jericho and the unfunny guy from The State, I’m talking about college football! Every year I’m reminded that we get piles upon piles of traditional football matchups on top of piles and piles of turkey. This year is a little different, however. The rivalry games are all over the place, but alot of them have national title implications. It’s only halfway through the weekend and already the BCS title race has been blown up, kinda.
Pick It And Stick It: Better Late Than Never
Okay, so it’s a little late, but I was enthralled with the bevy of college football that was on a Friday. So I apologize for being late, but it’s better than never. I know everyone out there was sitting there wondering just what the latest pick set was available in between the football and more football today. Welp, we had some picks for today come and go but we also have some ready to rock for tomorrow. If you got the time like I do on this long Thanksgiving Day Weekend, then check out the picks and see how you’ve fared.
Continue reading Pick It And Stick It: Better Late Than Never
Homespotting: My Home and Yours for Turkey Day Weekend
You know, when I started this blog, it was all about going out. My main reason was to watch college football at its maximum potential. I couldn’t afford a rig so a bar was the next best thing. I’ve watched some football before at home but this time I’m going all out. The games are spread out perfectly, not unlike a Thanksgiving dinner, this weekend so I figured what better way to graze on the games while I graze on leftovers by staying home and watching it from KCCGD Headquarters. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there and I hope you have as much fun watching the great action as I do.
Continue reading Homespotting: My Home and Yours for Turkey Day Weekend
Crib Sheet: A Thanksgiving Feast
Ho boy do we have a feast of news for you to munch in this Thanksgiving edition of the Crib Sheet. There should be enough left over to keep you fed over the whole weekend as there is college football on pretty much all of the time. Grab a bib and get ready for some Crib Sheet:
JJ’s Other Place Was Decent The Second Try Around
Alrighty, the second try to watch some football at my favorite local neighborhood hole in the wall, JJ’s Other Place. I’ve been there plenty at night and now I’ve been there during the day. I’ll stick with being there at night. I forgot a couple of important items as well as the fact there wasn’t that much to watch that day. It was a pretty good time nonetheless. There were some upset a brewing as well as some traditional nachos brewing in my stomach. Continue reading JJ’s Other Place Was Decent The Second Try Around
Pick It and Stick It: Wet and Moist
Rainy falls days make for some great college football talk. This is the time of year when snow and rain play more into games on Saturday. I talked about football weather before, but for some reason Kansas City has yet to see any kind of weather until now. Maybe that makes up for the massive blast of cold and snow from last year. Whatever it is, look for more slipping and sliding on the fields Saturday. Also, look for more a slipping and a sliding on the picks this week. We have about 30 games to chose from so confidence will play in heavily.
Crib Sheet: Still Adjusting To Time
My body is still out of whack due to the daylight savings time change Sunday. Hey, at least I got an extra hour of sleep work in. It seems like some people around the college football landscape are also adjusting. Who knew that the loss to Kansas coupled with the time change forced Colorado to fire Dan Hawkins? That and many more half-asleep wackiness on this week’s Crib Sheet. Read on, my friends, read on.
Pick It and Stick It: Snot Rockets
The Big 12 used to be known for high scoring shoot outs. This year sees a return to defense as either the stars moved away to the NFL or schools coached up their kids. The only two top 10 offenses in college football this year that come from the Big 12 are Baylor and Oklahoma State. Guess who happens to play each other tomorrow? That game will be a shootout and is for the top spot in the Big 12 South. This year is turning out to be majorly weird. Don’t let that vex you as we set you up for this week’s Pick It and Stick It.