Hey I’m back from a wonderful weekend of getting locked down by the chains of matrimony. Feels pretty good. What else feels good? College football and to some extent college football news. News like Jon Bon Jovi, Notre Dame, College Football Playoff, Big 10, SEC, Jim Delany, Big 12, Hulk Hogan, South Florida, Willie Taggart, Arthur Brown, Kansas State, Houston Texans, and Collin Klein. Continue reading Purple Yeti Roar 66: The Yeti Is Chained Down
Tag Archives: South Florida
Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 13: Plucking One Out
Ho man, am I stuffed. I never thought that I would be as stuffed as I was away from the family on the Thanksgiving as I am now. I know for certain that Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays out there now. Family is really getting together with friends and loved ones. Thanksgiving is a reason to get together with family and totally gorge yourself. I need to hit the gym pronto but first I will go over the Pick It and Stick It for this week. It’s some doozies and I mostly excited that great games come one after the other. It was like the second, third, and fourth helpings for me on Thanksgiving. Here’s the pick set:
Continue reading Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 13: Plucking One Out
Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 11: Saucy Selections
Oh yeah! I’m already thinking about what to do for the tailgating experience this weekend. I’m not sure if we actually have a spot to smoke some meat so we may be grilling guerilla style. What does that mean? Slapping some meat in a backpack and finding some friendlies for grilling. It should be quite the adventure. Speaking of adventure, the corner has turned for Bryce Brown for Heisman. It’s up to the rest of the league to catch up. Let’s take a look at the pick set: Continue reading Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 11: Saucy Selections
Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 11: Just Don’t Pick It There
Okay, it’s getting to be that time of year. We had a quick preview of it last night. Well the whole week, actually. As the season goes on now, there will be some games on every day of the week. We’ll definitely be knee deep into over Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks. But already last night was an epic match up between Virginia Tech and Georgia Tech. I just hope they don’t pile on big time games on Tuesdays. Tuesdays are for me. Please college football, don’t take my Tuesdays away. It’s the only real day I can recharge and get juiced for another week fo college football. I hope they don’t pick Tuesday but I do hope they Pick It and Stick It. Here’s this week’s fodder:
Continue reading Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 11: Just Don’t Pick It There
Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 10: Tasty Nuggets of Joy
I have to admit, I am getting excited about going to a BBQ this weekend. It’s fun running around the city and checking out new places, but the home cooked food and good times with peeps you know is always a welcomed change of pace. It will be a little awkward, however, as I’ll be sneaking my laptop on over to get ready for the big night games heading our way. I more than likely will not be watching two games at once, but I will be prepared just in case. For everyone else, prepare yourselves for the Pick It and Stick It.
Yeah the night games have high contrasts in terms of spreads. Kansas State and Oklahoma State have a huge 21 point difference while Alabama and LSU have only 4.5. Yeah I know Arkansas and South Carolina are close together too at 5.0. Out of those, I think LSU will make it a toss up. Sorry but Kansas State blew its wad already and it will be hard to watch via streaming laptop Saturday night. Meanwhile, earlier in the day, there is nothing exciting. Big 12 wise, Texas is up big on Texas Tech, but that will be closer. Iowa State should hang one on the pathetic Kansas Jayhawks. Oklahoma will run right over Texas A&M. That Baylor against Missouri will be a shoot out. Everything else is seriously blah.
Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 08: Ready, Flick, Fight!
It’s high time to duke it out on the field for dominance on the college football landscape. The unbeatens will dwindle down here real soon, if not this weekend, and it’s everyone team for themselves. Please remember, however, by fighting I mean actually playing tough football. I do not mean actually fighting the opposing players. It seems in the last couple of weeks some players have been confused and took to fisticuffs. Heck 41 players are suspended because of a big brawl that happened last weekend. Please, when you go out there fight well in terms of football, not Mortal Kombat. Now, it’s time to go over the Pick It and Stick It and look for some fatalities. Finish Him!
Continue reading Pick It and Stick It 2011 Week 08: Ready, Flick, Fight!
Pick It And Stick It 2011 Week 04: Sticking Together
Whew! Another close one for the Big 12. I swear, the Big 12 is the greatest thing since MTV’s The Real World. If you want to talk about the best conferences, then the one with the best drama factor definitely is the Big 12. Yeah, they are staying together but we really don’t know for how long. So while they hold hands again and tell everybody that things are cool, let’s focus on some actual football. This week’s Pick It an Stick It kind of reflects the noise off the field. Like the Big 12, most of the great games are stuck together around 2:30 Saturday. That’s fine for me and my barspotting trip, but how will it fare for the picks? Continue reading Pick It And Stick It 2011 Week 04: Sticking Together
Pick It and Stick It: Sticking With The Crowd
It’s the hustle and bustle of college football. At the beginning of the year, everyone is tied 0-0. Slowly and weekly, the winners bubble up and the losers peter out. We’re getting into week 3 and it’s still crowded. We haven’t yet hit the real bubbling point. Apparently it’s Road Test Weekend so we’ll more than likely get the cauldron cooking real quick. Speaking of being crowded, I’m planning and surfing the flesh at the Austin City Limits Music Festival. Granted I have Sunday tickets so it won’t be too bad, but Saturday’s at Third Base Sports Bar. Let’s hope people don’t bubble up vomit and I don’t peter out.
Continue reading Pick It and Stick It: Sticking With The Crowd
PIck It and Stick It: Fling It Home
That’s right, I’ll be on a plane shortly but I want to get the picks up for the week. It’s hard to stay focused with the Big 12 in legal gridlock. You know, I thought professional wrestling was soap opera for guys but now I know that college football realignment is the real deal. No offense to the WWE, but this stuff is way better than the scripted stuff I used to watch. So as the conference turn, get your picks in and hope for the best.
Crib Sheet: Conference Armageddon Again
You know, I was hoping the big news of the week would be the start of the college football season. The only thing that could overshadow it was Texas A&M leaving the Big 12. Welp they announced their intention to do so. Now that it’s official, the Big 12 must look to expand, which is more than what they did last year. Everyone is saying that BYU is the most likely candidate, and they are being very careful with their words . Even though they have been talking with the Big 12. Will it happen? Who knows, but there will be a boatload of speculation in the meantime. Well and Oklahoma is looking to take the lead in blowing up the league. Let’s hit up the Crib Sheet while we wait: Continue reading Crib Sheet: Conference Armageddon Again
Doc’s Backyard Made Me Feel At Home
Oh wow let me see how I remember this. It’s a new year of barspotting and the first notch on the Austin belt is Doc’s Backyard. Most of the bars I will be to this season will be the first time that I’ve been there, except for Doc’s. It’s close enough to my new place and has some decent reviews. So how did it fare Saturday? The atmosphere reflects back onto the experience. Continue reading Doc’s Backyard Made Me Feel At Home
Pick It and Stick It: Flick Me A Winner

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Barspotting: Kicking Off A New Town of Barspotting at Doc’s Backyard
Alrighty, football is here and you know what that means: Barspotting! For those of you not familiar with how Barspotting works, I basically tool around town and find places to watch college football then rate whether it’s worth it to check it out yourself. This year will be different because I’m in a whole new town. So I get to find a whole bunch of new bars review and also get the added benefit of finding my way around town. The first ever Austin edition of Barspotting will feature Doc’s Backyard in Sunset Valley, well, because they are real close to me. Not only that but they have a supposedly real tasty Chicken Fried Avacado. Let’s check out Saturday’s lineup. Continue reading Barspotting: Kicking Off A New Town of Barspotting at Doc’s Backyard
Mascot Monday: Rocky the Bull
Another week of Mascot Monday is bearing down and I’ve got another costumed character to pass judgement over. You know, it isn’t as bad as it sounds and we’ll prove it with this week’s mascot. A couple of weeks ago we featured a mascot by the name of Rocky and we are continuing that trend by looking at the University of South Florida’s version, Rocky the Bull. A school that’s up and coming in football has the same feeling for this steed so let’s check him out.
Crib Sheet: I’m on a Highway to Carousel Hell
The bowl season ended Monday and there was a ton of news that happened over the last week. It’s mostly who’s coming and who’s going. It’s what I like to call the Carousel Hell. So put your seatbelt on get ready to go round and round, here’s this week’s Crib Sheet:
- Mike Leach’s legal battle with Texas Tech may have cost him the Maryland job. He said that he thought he was the frontrunner, but the Terps went with UConn coach Mike Edsall. He hasn’t been contacted by other schools at the moment.
- RichRod is officially out of Michigan now. Blow up the program part two. It makes me warm inside to think the same thing that happened to Nebraska a couple of years ago with Bill Callahan is now happening with another team I dislike immensely. Good days.
- It’s even better for Brady Hoke. The former Michigan alum and former San Diego State head coach is now your new Michigan head coach. They wanted a Michigan man and they got one. I give it about another 3 years before a turnaround happens.
- After showing up Michigan’s Denard Robinson and holding the team to 14 points, Manny Diaz will take his talents to Texas as defensive coordinator. He leaves Mississippi State and will be belting buckles in Austin. Let’s hope he didn’t fall for that ‘coach in waiting’ stuff.
- No surprises here. Fox has the rights to the Pac 12 Championship Game. They already show conference games on Fox Sports Net so it makes sense they do the title game.
- The Playoff PAC is looking to stir up some smoke on the BCS. They are filing a complaint with the IRS regarding a cruise the Orange Bowl put on for college athletic directors over the summer. Shady or not, this seems like arrows instead of missiles for the Playoff PAC people. If there’s going to be a change, they can’t dink and dunk it.
- Stanford’s Andrew Luck is staying behind for another year of college. This will make Blaine Gabbertt a sexier pick for the NFL Draft coming up in a couple of months. He’ll have to battle for the top quarterback spot with Arkansas’ Ryan Mallet, though. Gabbert may see his Aldon Smith in the NFL as well.
- So TCU won the Rose Bowl. Someone then paid for a billboard congratulating the team. Except it was in Columbus, Ohio. Yeah someone with big pockets wanted to rub it in the Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee’s face. He was running his mouth earlier about the mid-con teams not being worthy and now I guess he gets to eat crow.
- Speaking of the Horned Frogs, head coach Gary Patterson notched himself a 2 year extension with the program. You go undefeated in two regular seasons, you deserve that and a ham sandwich.
- Stud Oklahoma receiver Ryan Broyles will be coming back for another year.
- A Boise State assitant coach is going to big time. By big time I mean Texas Offensive Coordinator. It seems Mack Brown and company lured Bryan Harsin away from the Broncos to infuse the team with a flashier offense.
- Texas Tech told the NCAA that they texted too much. That’s alliteration. And that’s the news!
- Head BCS Honcho Bill Hancock reminded everyone that a playoff is way below in priority for the college bowl partners. He said that even the old way of bowls would be considered first. Seriously, he does a great job of stirring the pot.
- Kansas State athletic director John Currie also gets a two year extension to his contract chock full of some tasty incentives. He’s done an alright job. The goal now is to maintain it.
- The BCS Championship Game happened Monday and it garnished the best cable ratings ever. Yet, the actual viewership is down. This is what happens when the biggest game of the year ends up on cable. Seriously, why didn’t Disney toss the game on ABC instead of ESPN? Television is becoming more live sport driven than anything else. Still, until I can replicate the experience of a sports bar in my basement, I will be going out for the games.
- LSU’s Les Miles went to Michigan to talk about an open job but decided to stay with the Tigers. Listen up childrens, this is the classic strategy head coaches employ to get them off the hot seat or get a raise.
- Man we feel for UGA VIII, the mascot of the Georgia Bulldogs. He didn’t make the trip to the bowl game last week and now we know why. UGA VIII has lymphoma. Jinkies, is the team as cursed as this dog is?
- Former South Florida football coach Jim Leavitt settled out of court for some extra cash from the school. He was canned for reportedly striking a walk on student. He’s a defensive guy and because of that, the rumors are now flying about Leavitt coming back to Kansas State to take a defensive coordinator position. Tune in next week, this is getting hotter.