Tag Archives: Texas

Crib Sheet: Coaches Go Right Round In the Bowls Baby Right Round

It’s the middle of the bowl season and we’ve had some great games so far.  What’s cool about this time right now, is that coaches are making jumps left and right, either to the NFL or back down from the NFL.  Players are also declaring their intentions for the big time as well.  So while we try to keep up with who’s going where and who’s staying, we get some great bowl action left.  Well, at least through Monday.  Until then, here’s the Crib Sheet:

2010 Year End Reviewards

Yes, it’s the 2010 edition and first ever annual KC College GameDay Year End Reviewards!  What’s a revieward?  Welp, it’s a half assed attempt to round up the year in review and then dole out some nameless awards out to who or what I think mattered in the year of college football.  It applies to the regular season only as I really don’t want to come back to this.  At any rate, I’m shooting from the hip so all you midgets our there better watch your heads.

Crib Sheet: Season’s Greetings

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Happy holidays from KC College GameDay!  It’s bowl season and I’ll do a couple of recaps in the next couple of days as well as run down some bowls I’m in to.  In the meantime, we have a fat Crib Sheet so let’s get to it:

Crib Sheet: Going Bowlzerk

Another regular season over and another bowl season is set.  I like the matchups for the Big 12 this year.  Yes, no two teams are in BCS bowls but there is a chunky 8 teams going bowling.  I don’t want to hear the yipping from Missouri fans this year as their game against Iowa is way bigger than the game Nebraska has against Washington.  Kansas State’s in the first ever Pinstripe Bowl against Syracuse.  That should be a fun one too.  We have the Army vs Navy game and then the week after is all bowls.  Right now, it’s the Crib Sheet:

GameDay: KCGGD’s Best Weekend Evar

Okay, so no, I’m not talking about VH1 and guests like Chris Jericho and the unfunny guy from The State, I’m talking about college football!  Every year I’m reminded that we get piles upon piles of traditional football matchups on top of piles and piles of turkey.  This year is a little different, however.  The rivalry games are all over the place, but alot of them have national title implications.  It’s only halfway through the weekend and already the BCS title race has been blown up, kinda.

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Homespotting: My Home and Yours for Turkey Day Weekend

You know, when I started this blog, it was all about going out.  My main reason was to watch college football at its maximum potential.  I couldn’t afford a rig so a bar was the next best thing.  I’ve watched some football before at home but this time I’m going all out.  The games are spread out perfectly, not unlike a Thanksgiving dinner, this weekend so I figured what better way to graze on the games while I graze on leftovers by staying home and watching it from KCCGD Headquarters.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there and I hope you have as much fun watching the great action as I do.

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Crib Sheet: Anti-Climatic

Is it me or has this season become anti-climatic?  After last weekend, we have the Big 12 North pretty much locked up and we might as well call the Big 12 South.  So as I see it, Nebraska will face Oklahoma State in the Big 12 Championship Game.  Now, unless something goes crazy, what else is left for the season except bowl games?  Oh, well we have some rivalry games left.  That’s a good thing.  You know what else is a good thing?  This week’s Crib Sheet:

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Pick It Standings Week 11: Drawing A Blank

You know, I wanted to talk about something going on in college football, but I just can’t put my finger on it.  It’s on the tipe of my tongue and it’s some other cliched phrase as well.  Oh well, if I remember it, I will talk about it later.   We have some Pick It and Stick It to go over.  The polls had some changes at the top but the BCS didn’t really chamge much.  In the pick league, the top pretty much stayed the same as well.  Let’s look at the standings:

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JJ’s Other Place Was Closed Due To Lack Of Power

No seriously.  KCP&L cut off JJ’s Other Place’s power and was closed for the day.  I was pumped about heading to my favorite hole in the wall to watch some sports but it was a no go.  They recently upgraded their televisions and now  I know where the money came from.  No worries, folks.  I won’t cut you off, but I may cut this one a little bit short.  Long story short, I went to Lew’s and watch Missouri trounce Kansas State.

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Crib Sheet: Still Adjusting To Time

My body is still out of whack due to the daylight savings time change Sunday.  Hey, at least I got an extra hour of sleep work in.  It seems like some people around the college football landscape are also adjusting.  Who knew that the loss to Kansas coupled with the time change forced Colorado to fire Dan Hawkins?  That and many more half-asleep wackiness on this week’s Crib Sheet.  Read on, my friends, read on.

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Lazy Saturday for Lew’s

Another actual barspot and I’m keeping up on the known favorites with Lew’s Grill and Bar.  I’ve been here a couple of times and have begun to become a regular here.  They’ve upgraded the televisions and also the food.  The day of football was long and fun, so I was glad I got the sweet spot for watching in the bar.  Regarding the action on field, we saw some tight games and some surprising blowouts.  It was a lazy day, but it sure was a weird one too.

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Pick It and Stick It: Snot Rockets

The Big 12 used to be known for high scoring shoot outs. This year sees a return to defense as either the stars moved away to the NFL or schools coached up their kids. The only two top 10 offenses in college football this year that come from the Big 12 are Baylor and Oklahoma State. Guess who happens to play each other tomorrow? That game will be a shootout and is for the top spot in the Big 12 South. This year is turning out to be majorly weird. Don’t let that vex you as we set you up for this week’s Pick It and Stick It.

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Barspotting: Settling In At Lew’s Grill and Bar

This year has been reunion tour at home and new bars plus stadiums on the road.  So to continue that tradition, this week’s barspot will be at Lew’s Grill and Bar in the Waldo district.  I haven’t built up the courage to double pop collars at The Well yet, so I’m heading back to a comfy place that’s just right with sports watching.  Since the last time we’ve been there, they’ve introduced Das Boot.  Yes, the boot featured in the number one hit smash comedy Beerfest.  So look for a pairing with that bad boy.  There’s also some great game pairings on tap as well.   Get ready to chug the football.

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Crib Sheet: McRib the Vote

In the wake of one of the most massive events in history ever yesterday, not the election but the reintroduction to the McRib, I have yielded time to this week’s Crib Sheet introduction.  Ronald McDonald Bless America:

Pick It and Stick It: It Hardens When It Gets Cold

Chilly times are ahead folks and its time to wrap yourself up into some nice and tasty picks.  This week sees some hot action on the cold, cold fields of Lincoln, Nebraska.  Will Missouri continue to roll or be tripped up by the scrappy Cornhuskers?  No matter, we’ll be staying warm the best way we know.  Hot chocolate helps.  So does coffee or fried mac n’ cheese wedges.  I’ll probably have all this Saturday.  Grab your favorite warm-upper and check out the picks for the week.  Remember, he colder and longer the season goes, the harder the picks get.

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