It’s become a tradition to bake at least on pizza every year on Football Feedings. Pizza is the ultimate canvas to plaster up some food art. This week is the week and we’ve got something special cooked up for ya this time. Kansas State is hosting Oklahoma State so we decided to do up a little thing called Cowboy Frontier Pizza. There’s no campfire involved but there will be some nitrates, that’s for sure. Continue reading Football Feedings 2014 Week 10: Cowboy Frontier Pizza
Tag Archives: Army
Barspotting: Check That, BarBQSpotting!
It’s BBQ week for KC College GameDay! There’s plenty of sports bars out there, but every once in awhile you gotta go out and get some home cooking that only BBQ’s can provide. I think we are going to cook up the world famous BBQ cheesy corn not sure yet. But we are also going to cook up some college football. Now, we could run out to a bar earlier in the day, but games really suck. It’s all for the night time for me. So let us see what is so special about the night time as well as the other games for this weekend.
PIck It and Stick It: Fling It Home
That’s right, I’ll be on a plane shortly but I want to get the picks up for the week. It’s hard to stay focused with the Big 12 in legal gridlock. You know, I thought professional wrestling was soap opera for guys but now I know that college football realignment is the real deal. No offense to the WWE, but this stuff is way better than the scripted stuff I used to watch. So as the conference turn, get your picks in and hope for the best.
Pick It and Stick It: Flick Me A Winner

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Crib Sheet: Ramping Up For Another Year
Media days are about done and that means practices are right around the corner. I’m almost ready to ring the cowbell for a new season. In the meantime, here’s this week’s Crib Sheet:
Continue reading Crib Sheet: Ramping Up For Another Year
Bowl Pick It and Stick It: The Bowl Nine Yards
Here we are in the middle of bowl season. I got some good gear for Xmas and I hope you got some too. The bowl action was light in the last week, but we are now ramping up into the meat of the schedule. Most of the Big 12 schools will be playing this week and there will be ample action in between. Meanwhile, I Bowl Pick It and Stick It standings are out are some peeps jumping out of the gate quick. Let’s look at that first:
Continue reading Bowl Pick It and Stick It: The Bowl Nine Yards
Barspotting: Championship Saturday At Lew’s Grill & Bar
Every year we go back to the best bar of the year and this time around it’s Lew’s Grill & Bar. It’s a solid performer that doesn’t let us down in terms of big game watching. Sure it’s small for its size, but it packs a punch in terms of factors for a great place to watch sports. So we’ll try one last time to get Das Boot and watch the SEC Championship Game as well as the Civil War. What, no Big 12 Championship Game? Welp, I will be at a company holiday party while it’s going on and for this weekend, an open bar trumps a title game with Nebraska in it.
Continue reading Barspotting: Championship Saturday At Lew’s Grill & Bar
GameDay: Take Me Out To The Real Ball Game
Once a niche thing, now it seems it’s all back in fashion. What am I talking about? I’m talking about football games being played in baseball stadiums, of course! Today we have a game at Wrigley Field and we also have a Bowl game with New Era fronting the money for two teams to play in Yankees Stadium. For years I have longed to see a real sport played in these stadiums and now it lo0ks as though it finally will happen. But is it a good thing?
Barspotting: JJ’s Other Place Part II
Okay, I’m giving JJ’s Other Place one more shot. They didn’t have power for our game last week, even though they were open that evening. So I’m going back to give them a college try for this Saturday. The morning games all suck, but once the afternoon hits we get some Top 25 clashes. Let’s hope that they will have a enough juice for the week for use to enjoy at least one of those. The backup plan, for the first time ever, is Lew’s Grill and Bar. What can I say, it’s my new favorite place. Continue reading Barspotting: JJ’s Other Place Part II
Crib Sheet: My Head Hurts
It looks as though the NFL cracked down on concussions and big time hits, doling out suspensions for head on collisions now. What does this mean for college football? Probably the same type of suspension. I’m not sure they will completely lock down like they do in the NFL. I’m guessing that this sport may be going away in the next 15 years, or at least it will turn into more of an arena style of play. Even for the colleges. Now check out the Crib Sheet:
- Looks like Kansas State’s leading receiver Brandon Smith is out for the year with a broken leg suffered from last week’s Nebraska schilacking. Chris Harper will have to step up to fill the role. We’re going to wait and see about the Oregon trasnfer.
- We’ve heard of backups on the field, but backups for mascots? That’s what Georgia had with “Russ” when UGA VII died unexpectedly. Welp last Saturday saw the return of the starter in UGA VIII. He’s officially registered as “Big Bad Bruce” but he’ll be UGA VII for everyone here on out.
- Right before his potential start in the NFL, Colt McCoy will have his jersey retired at Texas. He’s the sixth player from Longhorn country to get his jersey retired and it may be the last one for awhile. Even though the guy never won a national championship, he has won more games in 4 years than any other in college football history. That deserves the rub.
- After a bad call by a couple of suspicious replay officials in the BYU and San Diego State game, the Mountain West Conference decided to ban host school employees and alumni from working the replay booth at the games. You see? The mid-majors can act just like the big boys.
- Your new Ole Miss mascot is: The Rebel Black Bear. Okay, so it was from a William Faulkner story and he went there so it makes sense. We can’t help but think that Admiral Ackbars would’ve been a better fit. Oh, and there is some controversy with the name still.
- Michigan will play Alabama in 2012 at Jerry Jones’ Cowboys Stadium to open up the season. Looks like Jones will be filling the stadium all year with college football games. Hey, the NFL talent sucks right now so he’s gotta put butts in the seats.
- Another coach banned Twitter for his football players. This time it’s Butch Davis and North Carolina. He needs to ban them from talking to sports agents. While he’s at it, he needs to ban assistants from talking to sports agents, too.
- The Nebraska Regents approved the Big 12 settlement deal and will pay about $9.25 million and $8.755 if they make a BCS bowl. So long and farewell Cornhuskers.
- Get your claws ready, Missouri Tigers fans, ESPN College GameDay is heading to Columbia. Did you know it’s the first time they’ve been there? It’s about time, too, as I think they’ve been to Manhattan and Lawrence before.
- Rutgers defensive tackle Eric LeGrand was left paralyzed from the neck down due to a tackle he made against Army last Saturday. It really sucks when this happens but players have walked again from this kind of injury. Let’s hope he can get up off the chair real soon.
- Local sports radio guy Kevin Kietzman has been on Nebraska fans for the last couple of weeks. He’s talking about how unclassy they really are. Welp after a Nebraska fan vandalized a Texas fan’s car and Nebraska’s own Niles Paul shut down his Facebook page because of heckling, I say I totally agree with Kietzman. Nebraska fans just aren’t that classy at all.
- Pace University football player Danoy Henry was killed by the police in a freakish accident. The police were saying that Henry tried to escape the police and ran into another officer, which led to officers firing into the car and killing him. The other side says that the cop jumped on the hood and fired. We may not know whatever happened and this is certainly a tragedy.
- Former Kansas athletic director Lew Perkins is now the proud owner of an official government complaint regarding the $15,000 in exercise equipment that was loaned to him. He may have to foot the bill for the equipment or at least be subject to the penalties regarding the law he may have broke in accepting gifts as a public official.
Crib Sheet: The Road is Never Done
So I just found out today that I have at least 2 more road trips to go this year for the KCCGD crew. This year has been by far the most travelled and will be the most Stadiumspotted. It’s a nice change of pace from the last couple of years as we have begun to run out of new and cool places to Barspot. One of the new road trips just happens to be tomorrow night. Tune in tomorrow to find out here, but you won’t have to think hard if you want to guess. In the meantime, let’s catch up to the news items in this week’s Crib Sheet:
- Coach Mark Dantonio of Michigan State had his health issues and that apparently inspired a fan to postpone surgery to watch the battle for Paul Bunyan’s Trophy last Saturday. Major Hester put off getting a pacemaker installed to watch the battle. Okay, that’s hardcore. I would pick life over college football, but it would be close.
- Looks like the move to the Big 10 will support a stadium expansion for the Nebraska Cornhuskers. The newly approved plan will cost about $56 million and put the capacity at around 90,000 seats. How much do you want to bet that they will try to build Memorial Stadium up to be bigger than the Big House?
- Meanwhile, the Rose Bowl has expansion plans of its own. The $152 million expansion will keep the lease going with the bowl through 2043. They have an upcoming BCS National Championship Game so they need to spruce things up a bit.
- But while the two stadiums have expansion competition going, the locker room just got better for the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Ndamukong Suh donated about $2 million and as part of that, the players get iPads installed in the locker room. Man they need to put that in the toilet, not the locker. You’re not going to get much use out in the open with those things.
- Baylor receivers Willie Jefferson and Josh Gordon got busted with pot after they were found passed out in a Taco Bell drive through. The whole 4th meal thingy from the Bell targets potheads anyway so it was a no brainer that these guys were found with weed. They’ll more than likely miss a couple of games.
- Neither of those two were involved last week in one of the shortest kick returns in history. Texas Tech hit an onside and it didn’t go 10 yards. Terrance Ganaway nabbed it and ran 38 yards for a touchdown. It wasn’t the shortest, but it was awesome to see the special teams fail on the Red Raiders.
- Don’t dump on Texas Tech too much though, they are getting kick ass camouflage uniforms for a game against Missouri in November. Any kind of camo works for us as we miss the old Army ones. If you want to dump on uniforms, check out Texas A&M’s refresh. It’s almost exactly the same. Yawn City.
- Floida quarterback John Brantly played with broken ribs and thumb against LSU last Saturday. That’s pretty tough, especially for a quarterback. You know what’s tougher? Virginia Tech offensive lineman Greg Nosal didn’t realize he lost the tip of his pinky in his glove and continued to play the game until it was out of reach. His pinky tip was on ice and was reattached after the game. Football is tough, real tough.
- This bit of news is confusing so bear with me on this. A former agent said an agent friend of his, Gary Wichard, used ESPN’s Mel Kiper, Jr. to recruit college players. Kiper’s released statement says he talked to players by going through agents. I’m having a hard time finding where the fault is. I think it’s the fact that agents are pushing players to Kiper and his Big Board. But I don’t know it’s players after college or during. This does smell fishy.
- College football is cyclical. Power programs come and go and the traditional ones always swing around back into power. Much like the seasons, power programs have summers and winters. For Penn State’s winters, that also includes the usual cries for Joe Paterno to retire. This guy is going to die on the field, in anything to fulfill my prediction. He’s not going to retire and Penn State will be good in a couple of years.
Mascot Monday: Bill the Goat
It’s another Mascot Monday, but more importantly it’s another Memorial Day here at the KCCGD. Last year we took a look at Army’s mascots, but this year it’s the Navy’s turn. So why is a goat, Bill to be specific, the mascot for the Midshipmen? We’ll find that out as well as look at Bill throughout the years. As an added bonus, we’ll get to Bill fire off weapons and blow up stuff in between. All fun aside, let’s remember the men and women who perished in combat while we take a journey through Bill the Goat’s decorated achievements, both live and plush style.
Breaking Away From Barspotting
What, you say? No barspot this week? That is correct. As much as we’d like to go out and watch Army vs. Navy, we think we deserve a little break from going out to bars and watching football. It sounds crazy, but it could be alot of work. So in the interest of being brief, check back regularly as we go over the bowl schedule and knock out some bowlspots here and there. Also, we’ll have some year end reviews and probably something really nice for you kids for the BCS National Championship.
Johnny’s Tavern has the Power and the Light
We were very skeptical when we strolled toward the Johnny’s Tavern setup on the corner of the Power & Light District in Downtown Kansas City. We’ve been to a couple of places around there before and the experiences were weak. We had some hope, however, as Johnny’s Tavern came through for us before. After spending the afternoon there we can say it is the best bar in the district. The food was great, the poker game was loads of fun, and the games on the screens were stellar. If you own or work at a bar around that area, read on to see how to make it successful.
Continue reading Johnny’s Tavern has the Power and the Light
Spit Ball Predictions for 2009
We can take a couple of more days to draw up a preview of each conference and then roll the dice on how the bowls will shore up but that would take way too much time and reach far out of our happy little niche. So what we are going to do instead is spit up some predictions for what’s going to happen this year in college football. We may talk about your favorite conference, we may not. Chances are we’ll predict the title winner, but we may over look the Outland Trophy Award winner. Who knows? We’re loading up our straws (or empty pens) and seeing what sticks to the wall for 2009.